We are a secondary vocational school in rural area in the south of Poland with 400 students and 40 teachers.We specialise in catering, food processing, economy, trade, and lanscaping. We want our students to develop theirskills and passions so that we apply for different EU granted projects, local and international. Withgrowing unemployment rate and mostly middle class families our region is perceived as weaker partof the country. Although many of our students have the opportunity to go abroad (mostly to work withtheir parents or friends) we feel it is very important for pupils to see themselves as citizens of Europeand experience new, unknown things. We look forward to work with a range of partner schools inorder to enhance lifelong learning skills that will contribute to their future employability. During theproject we will provide our partners with the information about our country related to the topic. We willbe responsible for searching and gathering information preparing presentations, films, workshopsand activities for our guests during their visits as well as taking part in all project meetings. We hopeto involve a number of class representatives along with staff in mobilities. We are sure that this projectwill enable our students to develop good communication skills by interacting with partners acrossEurope. This international project offers them this and many other opportunities, such as planningactivities, controlling results, learning with other European countries, improving their knowledge offoreign languages and learning to be open-minded students. Anna Stąpor - English teacher and Anna Tęcza - vocational food related subjects teacher will be in charge of this project. In case these persons leave their post in the future, Joanna Godzisz - English teacher (joanna.godzisz@zswerynia.pl) and Anna Fitał vocational food related subjects teacher (anna.fital@zswerynia.pl) will take over their role. Our vocational teachers (6 of them) have a great knowledge of cooking related matters. They will lead the project successfully and make sure that everyone will benefit the most of it. They follow the latest trends and information on cooking, preparing food and managing food. Our partners will learn new methods of preparing food as well as traditional Polish cuisine.
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