Nowadays, not only the ability to prepare dishes, but the aesthetics and artistry of serving them are very important on the gastronomy market. Modern chefs not only feed people, but are artists of the taste and appearance of dishes. Gastronomy is an area that is currently very fashionable and is developing very much. Chefs are looking for new methods, culinary techniques, flavors, raw materials or products that will surprise the consumer. Following the latest culinary trends in the project, we want to look for completely new culinary flavors, as well as present the qualities of modern and traditional European cuisine. We would like to introduce project participants and other subsequent recipients to the topic of wasting food in the world and ways to prevent this phenomenon. We want to take up the subject of food in the future, regarding the possibility of obtaining food from unusual, little-known raw materials.We want to achieve this by:-developing food recipes by each country, according to which participants will prepare dishes during study visits,- organization of seminars / scientific lectures on: replacing / eliminating gluten, preservatives, lactose and other allergens, future food, zero waste, regional cuisine, fusion of spices, food management, vegetarianism, the use of low temperatures in gastronomy,- conducting culinary workshops during which participants will prepare various drinks, desserts, pastries, soups, appetizers, vegetarian dishes, regional dishes- preparation of dishes from healthy, low-processed regional raw materials as well as dishes from grasses, algae and food waste,-organization of training: modern sweet and savory cuisine with elements of molecular cuisine, bartending training, training on effective waiter service, zero waste training,- after the study visit, training sessions for school communities on topics covered during visits will be organized, conclusions, photos and recipes of dishes will be presented,- running a blog and profiles on social media, in which students / project participants will place materials (in the form of photos, text, videos) regarding the preparation of dishes,- organizing street food for the local community in Poland with the participation of all project partners, which will diversify such a meeting and will be an interesting form of project promotion, during this task each country will be able to present the advantages of its cuisine to a wider audience by preparing salty and sweet dishes characteristic of the kitchen Polish, Croatian, French and Portuguese,- organization of educational trips to food production plants in order to learn and compare production technologies, apparatus and product range in various food industry sectors in various countries,- organizing sightseeing trips to learn about culture, monuments and interesting places in Poland, Croatia, France and Portugal,- language workshops using the e-learning platform,- developing a book with recipes from all partner countries or a culinary and tourist guide on cuisine and interesting places related to cuisine,Student and teacher profileEight students and two teachers will participate in the implementation of activities related to study visits. We assume that 6 students will be oriented in the field of food preparation and 2 in consumer service. The project will be attended by students of the second and third classes of two faculties of the Four/Five-year Technical Secondary School in the profession: nutrition technician and gastronomic services, and the First Level Industry School in the profession: chef. Anna Tęcza and Anna Fitał, specialists in the field of food technology and human nutrition, confectionery decorations and gastronomy, will be teachers coordinating activities related to the preparation of recipes, workshops and the gastronomy part in our school.Objectives / BenefitsThe implementation of project activities will ensure the development of key skills for all participants. Participation in many project activities will allow you to learn about the new definition of food and thus help to improve vocational training and increase students' chances of finding a job on the local labor market in Poland and in Europe. The implementation of the activities will allow to get to know innovative, developing trends in the field of gastronomy and will help to prevent early school leaving. Understanding regional raw materials and products will help promote cooperation and mobility between international partners and companies located in another country.
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